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Road Biking

Endurance Athlete Coaching

Why hire a coach?

While many believe triathlon is a sport you can "get by" without the help of a coach, hiring a coach will help you achieve your best in a structured, safe method and has the following benefits (Goeringer, 2018): 

  • Appropriately structured workouts: Certified coaches are trained to structure training plans using scientifically proven principles and methods, such as periodization and specificity, while taking into account your past experiences and current lifestyle to help you avoid injury and achieve your race-day goals. 

  • Increased mental energy for training and race day: Coaches reduce the time requirements and added stress associated with creating your own training plan. By having a coach prepare a  personalized plan with your race goals in mind, your mental energy can be used to successfully complete training sessions. 

  • Consistent motivation and accountability: While most triathletes are natural go-getters, having a coach provides accountability and a source of motivation during the challenges that are sure to come.

  • Effective learning with fewer mistakes: While there is value in learning by trial-and-error, doing so in triathlon can be risky and costly. A coach can provide relevant, current knowledge about the sport to prevent you from having to learn the "hard way."

  • Improved performance: (This one should be a no-brainer!) Combine an appropriately structured training plan, increased mental energy for training and race day, consistent motivation an accountability, and effective learning with fewer mistakes, your abilities can only improve and your goals can be that much more within reach!

Goeringer, C. (2018, January 09). The top 5 reasons why you need a triathlon coach. Retrieved October 29, 2020, from

But, why should I hire you?

OK so hiring a coach has a host of benefits, but why hire me over hundreds of other triathlon coaches?

Many coaches claim to be qualified to coach triathlon, but have not been certified to do so. I am a certified triathlon coach through USA Triathlon (USAT), triathlon's national governing body. To remain certified, I must seek continuing education to stay up to date on all things triathlon.

I also:

  • contributed to the coaching of the Queens University of Charlotte triathlon team, one of the best in the country. I have worked with athletes from various states and other countries and have been continually mentored by Sonni Dyer, one of the sport's premier coaches. 

  • have extensive experiences competing in and coaching swimming, which is arguably the most technical and difficult disciplines for triathlon and a reason many choose not to attempt triathlon.

  • have several years of personal competitive triathlon experience, and have learned the "hard way"  about mistakes that come from following inappropriate training plans and poor nutrition habits. As your coach, I am committed to help you avoid these same mistakes and have a positive triathlon journey.

You've convinced me! How do I get started?

  1. Choose your plan. Review the details of the training plans outlined below.

  2. Select the "Sign me up" button and complete the interest form. You will be contacted within 24-48 hours to schedule your initial consultation.

  3. Attend initial consultation. Bring your questions and your goals to the meeting!

  4. Complete forms and make first payment. After your initial consultation, you will receive further instructions and will receive a request (Venmo) for your first payment. (Please note that first payment is due by the first day of your training plan.)

Coaching Plan Options:


Designed for athletes looking for individualized triathlon/multisport training plans + basic race day nutrition.

What you get:

  • 45-minute initial consultation

  • 45-minute calls every 2 weeks

  • Unlimited email communication

  • Free Final Surge athlete account

  • Individualized training plans through Final Surge every 2 weeks

  • One free technique analysis (video or in-person), option to purchase additional analyses

  • Training plan tweaks as needed based on athlete feedback

  • Race day + basic daily nutrition guidance



Single Sport

Designed for athletes looking for individualized training plans in swimming, biking, or running + basic race day nutrition.

What you get:

  • 45-minute initial consultation

  • 45-minute calls every 2 weeks

  • Unlimited email communication

  • Free Final Surge athlete account

  • Individualized training plans through Final Surge every 2 weeks

  • One free technique analysis (video or in-person), option to purchase additional analyses

  • Training plan tweaks as needed based on athlete feedback

  • Race day + basic daily nutrition guidance




Endurance Coaching
Coach Plans
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